I offer the following therapies, sometimes on their own or in combination, with treatments being tailored to each individual patient’s needs.
There is virtually no limit to acupuncture’s therapeutic uses;
It can be used in virtually every medical complaint, and I find its effects frequently appear to be particularly enhanced when combined with herbal medicine. Read More
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine is safe, gentle and effective method for promoting good health and is suitable for all ages from the very young to the very old. Herbs can be used for pain, digestive problems, anxiety, asthma, nausea, insomnia, to mention but a few, in the form of tinctures, powders or capsules. Herbal Medicine can be used safely for babies, pregnant mums, etc.Read More
Kinesiology is a very accurate system of muscle testing to find the underlying cause of a patient’s condition, and also to help the practitioner decide upon a course of treatment. Kinesiology can be used to test for food sensitivities, allergies, hormone imbalance, infections, to determine the causes of headaches. It is very helpful in the selection of herbal remedies or vitamins and much much more.
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Hopi Ear Candling
Effectively wonderful relaxing experience –
Hopi Ear Candling gently and affectively removes built up wax from the ear canal. It is an excellent option in the treatment of nose and throat congestion, sinusitis, headaches, T.M.J. (jaw joint) pain, tinnitus and otitis externa (inflammation of external ear). It is a very relaxing treatment, ideal for reducing stress or anxiety.
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