Receiving my annual reminder for an eye test has prompted me to remind you all of the importance of eating greens e.g  wild rocket, spinach, kale, broccoli etc., for healthy eyes.

Approximately 15 years ago I was diagnosed with early onset Macular Degeneration (This is like having freckles at the back of your eye which when left untreated causes impairment of central vision).  When this happens you cannot read you have only got peripheral vision.  I did a lot of research and discovered the major importance of green leafy vegetables!  I eat a very large amount of leaves with a tasty chilli sauce or dressing plus lots of other vegetables that you enjoy in a salad e.g. tomatoes, avocados, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, grated carrot.  Adding in a crunch e.g. pine nuts, cashew nuts.

Have you ever tried Marigold Savoury Vegan Engevita which has a cheesy nutty taste and has lots of B vitamins, zinc and iron and gives it a wonderful flavour.

Let not forget carrots which are full of Vitamin A necessary to help us see in dim light.  Eyewise has zeaxanthin and lutein these are very necessary for eye health.


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