Monthly Archives: August 2019

SKIN HEALTH continued

B VITAMINS:  are also important for skin health, especially riboflavin (B2) and pantothenic acid (B5) as they are reported to reduce facial oiliness.  Indeed many nutritional deficiencies of the B vitamins can be detected through skin health, such as, cracking at the corner of the mouth can be a deficiency of B2 and B6, as can red greasy skin at the side of the nose.  Low levels of B12 and folic acid can result in a pale complexion and a general deficiency of the B vitamins is implicated in eczema

CHROMIUM:  it is thought that the skin’s glucose tolerance is significantly impaired in those with acne, which makes chromium a particularly important nutrient in this situation.

SKIN HEALTH (continued)

FISH OIL:  omega 3s in the diet act as natural waterproofing for the skin and can be considered moisturising from the inside. This may help the skin to look more hydrated and improve vitality.  Omega 3s also help to control skin problems caused by allergies and are especially useful for inflammatory skin disorders such as eczema.

ZINC: stimulates the healing of wounds and skin irritations, which makes it especially useful for skin complaints such as acne and ezema.

EVENING PRIMROSE OIL: is useful for many skin problems, particularly inflammatory skin disorders such as eczema.

To be continued.

Taken from a Lamberts Healthc


Taken from a Lamberts Healthcare leaflet.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, covering nearly two square metres (for an average adult) and accounts for about 16% of the total body weight.  One square inch of skin contains approximately 250 sweat glands, 25 hairs, 40 sebaceous glands, 7.5 feet of blood vessels, 30 feet of nerves with 7,500 sensory cells at their ends.  It is amazing to think we shed one surface layer of dead cels every 24 hours!

SKIN  DEEP: Beta Carotene, Vitamins C and E plus Selenium:  are important antioxidants and free radical scavengers needed for skin protection.  Vitamin E also appears to lessen the likelihood of scars and vitamin C is required for tissue repair.

Anthocyanidins (PCOs): are a particular type of flavonoid that can help to reinforce and preserve collagen in the body, so much so, that these naturally occurring compounds are often included in cosmetics to help improve skin elasticity. 

To be continued.