I worked for many years as an NHS midwife and still love all connected with new creation. I place great emphasis on maintaining good health pre-conception, during and after pregnancy. Ideally both partners should prepare to receive the gift of a child. Dads need to take equal responsibility in caring for their health. If there is an imbalance, how do we expect to produce a perfect baby!
Pregnancy is a time when looking after your self is so important. Dietary problems can suddenly rear their head during pregnancy. I look at the eating habits of the mum-to-be and advise plenty of rest (such as delegating housework!). Nutritional deficiencies can present as cravings and can be corrected with the right diet, herbs, vitamins and minerals.
It is so important during pregnancy to continue to focus on the whole person and to realize that other factors, such as emotional stress in the home or workplace, can have a huge effect on the Mum-to-be.
Correct exercise is as important as rest and healthy eating and also helps to shift the post-pregnancy pounds more quickly. Inhalation of toxic substances affects the foetus as well as the Mum. For example, after a Dad or Mum smokes just one cigarette, a baby can inhale nicotine from their skin for up to eight hours.
Children (from birth) react very positively to herbal medicine, whether it is for asthma, hayfever or digestive problems. Children are very intuitive until they are eight or nine years old and very open to the God-given gifts of nature and herbal medicine.
Vaccination:- To alleviate fears about the side effects of vaccinations, I suggest boosting the child’s immune system a week before and after vaccination.
The principle applies to all age groups needing vaccination for any reason.
The human body is an amazing machine, which has learned to compensate due to our bad habits —— HELP your body by thinking before you eat.
I have a wide range of informative leaflets available for patients e.g. skin brushing, candida diet, breathing heals, hiatus hernia, detoxification and cold sheet treatment, insomnia, healing crisis, pregnancy and others.
I place great emphasis on establishing and maintaining a healthy, peaceful and loving lifestyle.