Listed below are some of the many problems which I deal with on a day to day basis in my practice.

Asthma/upper respiratory disorders


Digestive System  –  Bloating, Colic, Constipation/Diarrohea,                                                                                              Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Food intolerance/Allergy testing

Mouth Ulcers/Gum problems

Lymph System

Menstrual Problems/Menopausal/Infertility

Pain – Arthritis

Joints – Hands, Knees etc. Back/Shoulders/Neck/Wrist

Skin  –  Eczema, Dermatitis, Itches/Rashes, Psoriasis

Stress/Nervousnesss and related problems


Ten Commandments of Retirement – continued

6.  Tomorrow must always be the most important day in your retirement calendar.

7.  Do not live in the past;  you have not retired from the world.

8. Do all things in moderation.

9.  Do things you never had time for.  Beware of the rocking chair.

10. Do not interefere with others.

Taken from Grace magazine


A great deal of advice is handed out to people at the end of their working lives,
but I think these ‘Ten Commandments of Retirement’ take some beating.

1. View retirement as the beginning of a new life, not as the end of the road.
2. Keep physically fit and mentally alert. Set a daily routine (not too rigid)
and stick to it.
3. Maintain your customary neat appearance.
4. Try not to get under people’s feet, but be helpful and companionable.
5. Adjust to your new budget. Do not fight it or resent it; neither become a

More to follow!

Thanks to Grace Magazine 2018



Slippery elm

This is THE most amazing healing powder.

It soothes inflammation along the whole of the digestive tract.  For mouth ulcers it is mixed with gum herbs and packed over ulcer and left to dissolve.

Slippery elm is a long lasting antacid barrier.  Once water is added to the powder it becomes like a gel coating any inflamed or ulcerated areas from mouth to anus.  It settles nausea/vomiting.  Taken before a journey ti can help prevent travel sickness.

Slippery elm is useful in cases of gastro-oesophegeal reflux.  Helps settle diarrhoea/diverticulosis, colitis, irritable bowel.

I add herbs to slippery elm powder to help draw out pus e.g. boils, breast abscess, leg ulcers, infected wounds.

Truly a magical herb!

Herbs can be obtained in capsule form.  Be sure to check that it is pure I.E.NO PACKERS.



Autumn has arrived and presenting us with such magnificent colours.
As nature shuts down and slumbers we don’t!
To deal with the myriade of bugs around it is truly time to look after our own magnificent body
and help it deal with all that it is presented with.
Make pots of healthy soups.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
Walk, exercise – breathe!!!!
Take 1 – 2 grams VITAMIN C daily.
Herbs are great for boosting your immune system and adrenal glands (over used when stressed)
I have a formula always made up both in liquid and capsule forms.
My “Pick me up” formula does what it says – helps energize all the
systems of the body.
Eat with loving thoughts.
Walk with peaceful thoughts.
Go to sleep with love and joy all around you


Hawthorn berryHawthorn Blm free

Hawthorn berry gives us a beautiful white flowers in the spring time and vibrant red berries in autumn.  Birds are wise because Hawthorn berries are very energising and give them strength and protection in the winter months.  They are are a positive heart restorative herb which helps to dilate the blood vessels, acts as an antispasmodic, is anti-hypertensive,a diuretic and calms the nervous system.  It also acts as a cholesterol and mineral solvent. In other words it helps to increase the blood flow through the heart, and improves circulation in the coronary arteries.

Hawthorn berry helps to sustain the heart during extreme training programmes.  Dr D. Green Ennis Co Clare gained an international reputation for treatment of heart disease (keeping the remedy secret).  Upon his death that his daughter revealed it as a tincture of red ripe Hawthorn berries.  Taken from Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Thomas Bartram.




Winter is upon us and it is time to add the lovely comforting warm clothes that are now so necessary with the chilling winds. It is as necessary to protect ourselves against the external cold as to boost our immune system to protect us from the viruses and bacteria that are starting to float around.
I am writing to share some tips for winter wellness.

We drive around in centrally heated cars, work in centrally heated buildings and live in centrally heated homes. It is most important to drink water when it is cold to keep our body fluid levels correct. It also helps to flush out toxins, bacteria etc. Warm water is absorbed much more quickly and efficiently than cold water.

There are lots of herbs which help to boost your immune system eg. Wild Indigo, Myrrh, Echinacea are a few examples. I have my own “Antibiotic/Immune Booster Formula” which contains at least 7 different herbs in either liquid or capsule form which can be taken as required.
(NB These are not pharmaceutical antibiotics)
As far as I am aware no one has had any untoward effects to date.

Wrap up warm, drink lots of hot water and make an appointment for a health balance to aid you through the winter months!

Be happy





  1. DO make sure you are well hydrated with warm water during the day.
  2.  DO get ready for bed, then run 6 – 8 inches of cold water into the bath and walk up and down in the water for five minutes, dry your feet and go to bed. DO put 4 drops of Rescue Remedy in a cup of warm water and drink half all hour before bed time.
  3. DO rub Rescue Remedy into the soles of your feet before getting into bed.
  4. DO take a few minutes to empty the TOO busy mind. Light a candle (flame removes negativity and has a calming effect) and release all of the days problems i.e.:- Slowly go back through your day letting go of anything that was a problem/unnerving, or something that keeps popping up and will not go away easily – spend time with it and say “I recognize you and l now release you with love (or to Divine Love). We tend to beat ourselves up with our thoughts continuously.
  5. DO breathing. It is a wonderful way of stilling the mind. Close your eyes and breath in slowly/steadily (count 4) hold your breath (count 2) breathe out (count2). As you count your mind can’t dance around. Continue breathing “thinkfully” by breathing in PEACE, and breathing out stress/or anxiety. Repeat several times breathe in LOVE/HARMONY breathe out negativity. Repeat several times.
  6. DO ask your Angels for help, your sleep Angels – they are wonderful.
  7. DO watch funny programmes.
  8. DO have a good laugh with a friend.
  9. DO have a 10 minute walk before bedtime
  10. DO enjoy the evening sky, sunset, stars, moon.
  11. DO appreciate the abundance all around, – home. friends, the countryside and all of Nature.
  12. DO heal arguments before bedtime.
  13. DO forgive yourself and the recipient if you have had a disagreement. It all adds up to a more restful mind.
  14. DO massage back of knees in an upwards direction 10-20 tunes before getting into bed.
  15. DO Before bed take one or two teaspoonfuls of honey or organic honey, by itself; or add to milk, or add to a glass of hot water with the juice of half a lemon.
  16. DON’T watch the bad news before bed.
  17. DON’T read the bad news in the newspapers/
  18. DON’T watch gory films before bed
  19. DON’T go to bed angry or hungry.


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Acid and Alkaline foods

Your health ultimately depends on the health of the millions of cells in your body.

Whilst there are many factors, which influence the health of the cell, one of those, which is considered to be very important by Nutritional therapists, is the balance of Acid forming and Alkali forming foods you eat.

One of the effects of eating too many acid-forming foods is that our cells may end up retaining sodium in them whilst losing potassium.  This is not good for the health of our bodies and can lead to many symptoms.  It has, for example, been observed that de-mineralisation of your bones can occur when your body becomes too acidic.

To maintain an ideal acid to alkali ratio for your health it is best to take in about 4 times as much alkali forming foods as acid forming foods each day i.e. 80% of your diet needs to be alkali.  The list below will help you choose foods to re-dress an acid/alkali imbalance in your body.  Some foods are classed as ‘neutral’ so it would be fine to choose some foods from this list.


Refined sugar, Alcohol, Coffee/tea, White flour, Heated milk, Most cheeses, Wheat, Oats, White rice, Breads, Eggs, Cakes/biscuits, Plums, Prunes, Strawberries, Cranberries, Animal Products, Poultry/fish, Salt,pepper/hot spices


Brown rice, Corn, Honey, Soya beans/soya products, cream cheese, most dried beans and peas, Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Coconut, Pure bottled water, Herbal teas, Avocado, Olives, Tofu, Brazil nuts, Almonds, Cashew/pecan/peanuts


Unsweetened yoghurt, All vegetables, Most fruits, Sprouted seeds, Sprouted beans, Sultanas, Raisins, Currants, Unsweetened fruit juices, Miso, Soaked almonds, Buckwheat, Millet

As you can see from this, the general advice Nutritionists give of eating lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, reducing coffee, tea, alcohol, refined flour products and the intake of meat and avoiding all refined sugar  ‘fits’ in with the message of this information handout.  If you follow this advice you will begin to change the acidic conditions in the body.  This is, of course, not all we can do to become healthier but it is a great start!  

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Healing Naturally Catmint

Catmint is a very good children’s herb for all childhood maladies e.g. to reduce temperature, for colic, for hyperactivity and restlessness, for colds and it can also be used for episodes of diarrhoea.

NB beloved by cats – cats love rolling in catmint and it makes them very playful!

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